We Will Become Silhouettes

As fiction becomes reality, we become the objects in our dreams.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Emotions take up more space than words.

Oh, if only we could pass someone the emotions sitting in our hearts as we hold them with our arms, all trembling, scared, quiet and lovely as those emotions are.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Just a Day

I got home from work today with the sun still out and feeling full of energy. It may still be 50 degrees outside, but it's a nice feeling to see the sun shining out the window.

The difference between today and yesterday is incredible. Yesterday I didn't get home till about 6pm and felt overwhelmed with responsibility. I wanted to just fall asleep the moment I got home from work. Today, I got off at my normal time and was home just after 5pm. With the sun shining, I felt like getting everything done and cooking a wonderful dinner. And I did at least cook a good dinner! I did get some housework done as well, but not everything. Today though, that doesn't matter. I'm still feeling good, and I know that I'll have the rest of the week to finish these chores. (Or forever, chores are pretty much neverending.)

I can't wait till this weekend. I feel like I have enough energy to tackle my laundry list of things to do, and I feel like I'll feel good about it no matter how much I get done.